Theodore de Bry ‘Navigational vessel of China’ (from Latin edition of Les Grands Voyages, Frankfurt, 1602), one of the earliest Western depictions of a junk (collection, Juan José Morales)

Theodore de Bry ‘Navigational vessel of China’ (from Latin edition of Les Grands Voyages, Frankfurt, 1602), one of the earliest Western depictions of a junk (collection, Juan José Morales)


Spanish ship in the Philippines from the 'Boxer Codex' (c. 1595)

Spanish ship in the Ladrones from the ‘Boxer Codex’ (c. 1595)


Chinese in the Philippines, from the Boxer Codex, c. 1595

Chinese in the Philippines, from the Boxer Codex, (c. 1595)  (Wikipedia)


Cerro rico de Potosí, Pedro Cieza de León, El imagen de la Crónica del Perú,1553 (Wikipedia)

‘Cerro rico de Potosí’, Pedro Cieza de León, ‘El imagen de la Crónica del Perú’,1553 (Wikipedia)


Theodore de Bry, miners in Potosí, engraving (1590) (Tom Christensen, from 1616: The World in Motion, Counterpoint Press, 2012)

Theodore de Bry, miners in Potosí, engraving (1590)
(Tom Christensen, from ‘1616: The World in Motion’, Counterpoint Press, 2012)


'Aquapolque' (Acapulco) by Nicolaes van Geelkercken, engraving, from 'East and West Indian Mirror' (1619) (Tom Christensen, from '1616: The World in Motion', Counterpoint Press, 2012)

‘Aquapolque’ (Acapulco) by Nicolaes van Geelkercken, engraving,
from ‘East and West Indian Mirror’ (1619)
(Tom Christensen, from ‘1616: The World in Motion’, Counterpoint Press, 2012)